MetaNeer Labs Logo

What I Do

I've spent the last 14 years shipping software for start-ups and innovation groups within larger companies. My speciality is zero to one - rapidly translating innovative ideas into fully functional mobile and web applications. I provide end-to-end development services, from initial concept to launched product. My approach is structured and efficient, ensuring that each project is precisely defined, meticulously planned, and expertly executed. Since 2010, I've worked with countless technologies & platforms and delivered dozens of projects to market on time and on budget.

When you work with MetaNeer Labs, you're working directly with me, Andrew Bellay. This personal approach ensures that your project gets the attention and expertise it deserves. And due to the requirements of this hands-on approach, I only work with two clients at a time.

Past Clients
(some of my past clients & products)

What I Don't Do

While I offer a comprehensive suite of development services, there are certain areas I don't cover:

My Philosophy & Approach

My product development philosophy centers on clarity, precision, and collaboration. I believe that the best software solutions arise from a clear understanding of the client's vision, the user's needs, a well-defined scope, a disciplined process, and a willingness to adapt and learn new things. Here's an outline of my process:

I aim to ship a completed first version of a typical project within four weeks, max. This rapid timeline is only possible due to my disciplined adherence to a streamlined and battle-tested process and dedicated focus to just 2 active clients.

Can You Give Me An Estimate?

After some initial discovery and a signed contract, the typical project takes 3-4 weeks to scope, design, develop, test, and launch. You should expect to spend between $7k and $20k per week, depending on how many engineers we need to hire, how in demand their skills are, and how big of a hurry you're in. I've shipped a lot of amazing software for under $40,000.

How This Usually Works

The typical software development process goes something like this: the service provider tells you - the client - an hourly rate, you explain your project, and the service provider estimates how long the work will take. The problem is that now the service provider is incentivized to under-estimate the duration of the work so that you'll award them your business. They're incentivized to ignore or put-off high-risk and hard problems until later. Then, a few months later, you're abruptly informed that the team needs more time (and money) to complete the work. You’re faced with the difficult decision of either abandoning the project or paying more money to hopefully get your project across the finish line. You take all the risk and have no control or guarantees. I don't like being on either side of this deal, so I choose not to run my business this way.

This is why I don’t charge by the hour anymore either - it drives a wedge between what's good for you and what's good for me. Charging by the hour incentives me to bill for more hours rather than to ship functioning software. It also requires me to maintain timesheets for everyone working on the project, which is an annoyance and distraction.

I do things differently. I guarantee you a dedicated block of time at a transparent, fair, and no-gotchas price. We then ruthlessly refine the scope of your project, removing unnecessary bits that will distract from testing your core hypotheses or work that we can easily roll out later (ie: do we really need password recovery for your MVP?). We make the scope fit your timeline and budget, dig deep into the details, eliminate project-killing technical risks by building quick POCs, and break the work into precise, technical, and bite-size chunks that a talented engineer can develop without a lot of back and forth. Together we identify the must-have features and then I commit to delivering them to you. This dramatically reduces expensive misunderstandings early in the process and not after we've already begun development.

Are We A Good Fit?

Working together will be awesome if you:

If this resonates with you, then we should talk to see if there's a potential fit.
Email me () and we can set up a quick 30 minute call.